Question of the Week

What Advice Do You Wish You'd Been Given Before the Bar Exam?

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It’s bar exam week across the United States, and recent law grads have spent the last few months of their lives trying to figure out exactly what questions will be put to them and how to answer them all correctly. Hindsight is 20/20, and general advice from those who have been through it is plentiful.

What we want to know—whether you recently took the bar or sat for it decades ago—what specific advice do you wish you’d been given beforehand? Did you study a topic the test ignored while ignoring one the test covered? Did you blow off last-minute studying that might have helped you, or regrettably give up needed sleep for fruitless cramming? Or did you wear something or eat something that made you physically uncomfortable during the test?

Answer in the comments below.

Read the answers to last week’s question: “What’s the Craziest Thing You’ve Seen Someone Do While Driving?

Featured answers:

Band on the run.

Photo courtesy David D.

Posted by Laura: “I was on the Pennsylvania Turnpike near Philadelphia, and I saw a man playing the bagpipes while driving. It was crazy!”

Posted by David D.: “Playing the trumpet!! On my way back to Champaign, IL, two years ago, I saw a man practicing the trumpet while he was driving on 57 South. We immediately took out a camera and snapped a pic.”

Posted by Tom: “I saw a driver playing the flute on GA400 in Atlanta. For a brief moment I thought perhaps he was using it to control his car. Maybe he and David D’s trumpet player can start a band!”

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