2017 ABA Journal Web 100

Web 100: Best law Twitter

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American Bar Association

(@ABAesq). Follow this feed to keep up with the ABA and other legal news.

Andrew Arruda
(@AndrewArruda), co-founder and CEO of Ross Intelligence. “A leader in the field of big data, breaking down big notions for attorney consumption,” says Jared Correia of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting.

twitter page

Read our current Web 100 picks: Blogs, podcasts, Twitter feeds, web tools

Sarah Burstein

(@design_law), associate professor at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. “Makes design fun and interesting. No small task,” says Tim Baran of Good2bSocial.

David Colarusso

(@Colarusso), director of Suffolk University Law School’s Legal Innovation and Technology Lab. “Great source for tech news with a nod toward data science,” says Sarah Glassmeyer of the ABA Center for Innovation.

Brian Cuban
(@bcuban), attorney, speaker and author of The Addicted Lawyer. “Addiction and mental health issues are a crisis for lawyers. This account discusses the issues frankly and serves as a good learning opportunity for what to look out for.” —Glassmeyer

Stephen Louis A. Dillard
(@JudgeDillard), chief judge of the Court of Appeals of Georgia. “Entertaining and engaging.” —Baran

Carolyn Elefant

(@carolynelefant), lawyer, blogger, author and founder of PowerUp Legal. “A longtime booster of solo attorneys, Elefant continues to run her own practice while offering sage advice to colleagues.”—Correia

The Florida Bar

(@theflabar). “The least stuffy bar association Twitter account you’ll come across—it’s informative and fun!” —Correia

Chris Geidner
(@chrisgeidner), legal editor and Supreme Court correspondent at BuzzFeed News. “Legal news with a touch of the irreverent BuzzFeed twist.” —Glassmeyer

Ross Guberman

(@legalwritingpro), president of Legal Writing Pro. “Legal writing is boring, but this gives you tips in easy-to-digest tweets, so you don’t feel like you’re being lectured at. Like hiding vegetables under a pile of cheese sauce.” —Glassmeyer

Rachel Gurvich

(@RachelGurvich), clinical assistant professor at the University of North Carolina School of Law. This co-founder of #PracticeTuesday “provides great, practical advice for law students and beyond.” —Glassmeyer

Sherrilyn Ifill

(@Sifill_LDF), president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. “Truth-telling leader of a civil rights organization.” —Baran

Mitch Jackson

(@mitchjackson), aka the Streaming Lawyer, speaker and tech entrepreneur. “Always on the forefront of modern technology, Mitch Jackson is not afraid to try anything new or to dream the experience.” —Correia

Sarah Jeong

(@sarahjeong), senior writer at The Verge. “Good source of tech news for nontechies.” —Glassmeyer

Elizabeth Joh

(@elizabeth_joh), professor at the University of California at Davis School of Law. “Insightful, especially around politics.” —Baran

Josh King

(@joshuamking), chief legal officer at Avvo. “A champion of free speech, King frequently addresses issues of social import for attorneys.” —Correia

Dan Lear

(@rightbrainlaw), director of industry relations at Avvo. “Great energy and an evangelist for innovation in the profession. Engaged without oversharing.” —Baran

Keith Lee

(@associatesmind), lawyer and author. “With an army of small-firm and solo supporters, Keith Lee expands his kingdom via Twitter.” —Correia

twitter page

Whitney Merrill

(@wbm312), counsel for privacy, e-commerce and consumer protection at Electronic Arts. Information security “is now more important than ever. This feed is a great source” for information security and privacy news—especially as they relate to lawyers. —Glassmeyer

Elie Mystal

(@ElieNYC), executive editor of Above the Law. “Never afraid to speak his mind, Mystal uses his pulpit at Above the Law to say what other lawyers are afraid to.” —Correia

Kevin O’Keefe

(@kevinokeefe), CEO of LexBlog. “Kevin reads blogs so I don’t have to, and he highlights the best of what’s out there.” —Glassmeyer

Jason Steed

(@5thCircAppeals), of #AppellateTwitter, appellate lawyer and former English professor. “Good mix of legal news and original commentary.” —Glassmeyer

Gabriel Teninbaum

(@GTeninbaum), legal writing professor at Suffolk University Law School and director of its Institute on Law Practice Technology & Innovation. “Perhaps the most tech-savvy law professor in the country,” he is “focused on training law students to deliver practical solutions in legal and legal tech.” —Correia

Kevin Underhill

(@loweringthebar), lawyer and legal humor blogger. “Legal humor without laughing at people, which I think is important.” —Glassmeyer

Alex Vitale

(@avitale), author and sociology professor at Brooklyn College. “In the Wild West of legal innovation and tech, we sometimes seem to forget about criminal law. But this is a great compilation of criminal law news and investigation.” —Glassmeyer

Updated Nov. 28 to update David Colarusso’s job title.

Social media judges

Tim Baran, chief marketing officer at Good2bSocial

Stacey E. Burke, attorney and owner of a nationwide law firm consulting practice

Jared Correia, founder and CEO of Red Cave LawFirm Consulting

Sarah Glassmeyer, project specialist, manager at the ABA Center for Innovation

Ed Walters, CEO of Fastcase.