Welcome to the 2017 ABA Journal Web 100
Cover illustration by Elmarie Jara
Read our current Web 100 picks: Blogs, podcasts, Twitter feeds, web tools
Our inaugural year of this feature honors 50 blogs (and adds five more to our Blawg Hall of Fame), as well as 25 law podcasts and 25 tweeters for lawyers to follow.
Well-informed lawyers cannot live on law blogs alone. So meet the ABA Journal’s Web 100.
When the Journal launched the first Blawg 100 in 2007, podcasts, Twitter and smartphones as we know them existed. But they were in a nascent stage. (By our second Blawg 100, we were highlighting podcasts and sharing bloggers’ Twitter handles.)
But from now on, other digital media will share the spotlight with legal blogs—and we’re leaving the portal open to highlight new web platforms that are not yet imagined.
Our inaugural year of this feature honors 50 blogs (and adds five more to our Blawg 100 Hall of Fame), as well as 25 law podcasts and 25 tweeters for lawyers to follow. We once again conducted a survey on the state of the legal blogosphere and report the results online.
How did we arrive at this list of 100? During the summer, readers wrote to us to share what they considered the most compelling corners of the web. And this year—in a change from the last decade—judges from outside our staff made contributions and helped us pick the best of the best.
We invite you to read, listen, follow and retweet.
Write a letter to the editor, share a story tip or update, or report an error.