ABA Journal

Latest News

Criminal Justice

Sutherland Latest Celeb Behaving Badly?

Criminal Justice

FL Expects Surge of Mortgage Fraud Cases

Law Practice

Partnership Harder to Get, Easier to Lose

In House Counsel

A High-Tech GC Revolving Door

Law Firms

Survey: Skadden #1 in Corporate Realm

U.S. Supreme Court

Business High Court Successes, By the Numbers

U.S. Supreme Court

Business Cases Back Before Friendly Court

Criminal Justice

‘Legal Wonk’: What Larry Craig Wants, Court Can’t Give

Criminal Justice

OJ Simpson Book, ‘If I Did It,’ a Best-Seller

Death Penalty

Supreme Court Stops TX Execution

Law Practice

Survey Says: Career Satisfaction a Struggle

Criminal Justice

Lawyer Accused of Robbery Leaps From Ledge

Law Firms

Akin Gump Narrows Malpractice Claims

Sentencing/Post Conviction

Judge Bounced Off Third Case for Unexplained Sentence

Legislation & Lobbying

Fed’l Judges: Court Cameras Harm Trials


Judge’s Penis Pump Conviction Affirmed


Ex-Managing Partner Joins Girl Scouts


ABA Prez Protests Mention in Gitmo Lawyer Offer


KPMG Judge Backs Laws to Curb Prosecutors

U.S. Supreme Court

WaPo: Recusing Is Confusing

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