Cartoon of the Month

Cartoon Poll: A lawyer walks into a forest ...

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Lawyer in forest

Poll: Which lawyer walks into a forest caption is the best fit?

In our April cartoon, readers submitted more than 150 entries. Here are the final staff picks. Now it’s your turn to pick a winner.

  • 11.69%
    Probably enough for a brief.
  • 10.08%
    Suddenly, Mort realized he had stumbled into something shady.
  • 34.27%
    If a lawyer speaks in the middle of the forest and no one hears, can he still bill?
  • 43.95%
    Earl wondered aloud whether his firm's decision to "go green" had been taken too far.

ABA Journal staffers have sifted through more than 150 entries, many alluding to the Big, Bad Wolf and whether a tree can be heard falling in a forest.

Now it’s your turn to pick the caption that will appear in an upcoming issue of the ABA Journal’s monthly magazine.

Vote in the cartoon poll for one of the below captions by April 26:

• Probably enough for a brief. —submitted by Urban Mulvehill of New York, New York

• Earl wondered aloud whether his firm’s decision to “go green” had been taken too far.—submitted by Michael Foster of Austin, Texas

• If a lawyer speaks in the middle of the forest and no one hears, can he still bill? —submitted by Jody Nathan of Tulsa, Oklahoma

• Suddenly, Mort realized he had stumbled into something shady. —submitted by B. McLeod

How to vote: Using our poll, select the caption you think best fits the scene depicted in the cartoon.

Voting period: Votes must be cast by 11:59 p.m. April 26.

What’s the prize? Bragging rights. Plus, the winning caption and credit to the caption writer will appear in an upcoming issue of the ABA Journal.

For complete rules, follow this link. To view past cartoons, check out this gallery or follow the Cartoon Caption Contest RSS feed.