Cartoon Poll: Which Stone-Age caption fits best?
Poll: Which Stone-Age caption fits best?
It’s your turn to vote for this month’s cartoon caption that will appear in an upcoming issue of the magazine.
In this month’s legal-themed cartoon contest, ABA Journal staff filtered through about 150 submissions and narrowed them down to these three.
Pick your favorite, and we’ll publish it with the cartoon in an upcoming issue of the ABA Journal.
• “You’d think our own daughter would call to tell us she’s trying her first case. But no-o-o, we get a text.”—submitted by Thomas G. Boyer of Waukesha, Wisconsin
• “I was hoping for more when they directed us to the pro-se assistance desk.”—submitted by Linda Rio Reichmann of Hinsdale, Illinois
• “I think we’ve already seen this episode.”—submitted by Christopher J. Meager of Akron, Ohio
How to vote: Using our poll, select the caption you think best fits the scene depicted in the cartoon.
Voting period: Votes must be cast by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23.
What’s the prize? Bragging rights. Plus, the winning caption and credit to the caption writer will appear in an upcoming issue of the ABA Journal.
For complete rules, follow this link. To view past cartoons, check out this gallery or follow the Cartoon Caption Contest RSS feed.
Write a letter to the editor, share a story tip or update, or report an error.