
Citing 'Extreme' Juror Animus, Flamboyant Mich. Lawyer Asks for New Venue

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Geoffrey Fieger. Photo by John Sobczak

Embattled Michigan lawyer Geoffrey Fieger is scheduled to face trial Monday on criminal campaign finance and obstruction of justice charges.

But the well-known plaintiffs’ lawyer is asking for an eleventh-hour change of venue because he won’t be able to get a fair trial in Detroit or the Eastern District of Michigan, the Detroit News reports.

Fieger cited responses from some 250 prospective jurors who returned jury questionnaires in preparation for trial.

“Scores of jurors expressed extreme dislike, animus and bias toward Mr. Fieger,” attorney Gerry Spence said in a motion filed with U.S. District Judge Paul D. Borman, the News reports.

Fieger is accused of using straw donors to give more money than the law allows to the John Edwards 2004 presidential campaign.