
DA says news photos show Chris Brown at charity event during claimed trash pickup work

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Did singer Chris Brown complete the 180 days of community service required by his sentence for a 2009 assault on his then-girlfriend Rihanna?

The star has submitted documentation showing that he did. But, contending that the documentation is sloppy at best and alleging unrelated “potential” violations of his probation on multiple occasions, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office is seeking to find him in violation of his probation and have a judge order a community service do-over, according to the Los Angeles Times and Rolling Stone.

A motion to modify his probation alleges, among other claims, that Brown was photographed at a Washington, D.C., charity event at the same time that he was purportedly picking up trash in Richmond, Va., 100 miles away, where police had agreed to oversee his community service work.

An earlier Associated Press article says the DA’s office is seeking to revoke Brown’s probation, while the LA Times offers a conflicting account which states that the DA’s office is not seeking to have the judge declare Brown in violation of his probation.

The motion, however, says at the outset that the DA’s office is asking the judge to find that Brown is in violation of his probation terms. But, rather than asking for Brown’s probation to be revoked, prosecutors are simply seeking a court order to modify it and require him to complete 180 days of community service in the Los Angeles area.

Attorney Mark Geragos, who is representing Brown, blasted back when contacted by the L.A. Now blog of the Times.

“Apparently the district attorney’s office has completely lost their minds,” he told the newspaper. “They are making scurrilous, libelous and defamatory statements and apparently have lost their ability to read their own reports.”

He also called the motion “a disgrace” and an embarrassment to the DA’s office and said he plans to seek sanctions, the Times reported.

A court hearing is scheduled at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, a Salon article notes.

Additional and related coverage:

ABAJournal.com: “Brown Gets Probation and ‘Labor’ in Rihanna Case, Reportedly Goes Clubbing”

ABAJournal.com: “Singer Chris Brown Retains Mark Geragos to Deal with Fan’s Claim to Police He Snatched Her iPhone”

Associated Press: “Rihanna goes to court with Chris Brown”

USA Today: “Chris Brown: ‘I’m sick of being accused’”

Updated on Feb. 7 to link to subsequent Associated Press article.

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