Constitutional Law

Felony charge dropped in case over jury nullification pamphlets

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A Michigan judge on Wednesday dismissed a felony obstruction of justice charge against a former pastor who admittedly distributed jury nullification pamphlets on the sidewalk outside the Mecosta County courthouse in November.

However, a misdemeanor jury tampering charge is still being pursued against Keith Wood, 39, according to Fox 17 News and

Provided by the Fully Informed Jury Association and titled “What rights do you have as a juror that the judge won’t tell you about?” the pamphlets explained to potential jurors their right to ignore the law and vote their conscience in a case.

Attorney David Kallman represents Wood, who works as an independent insurance broker. He called the case an outrageous violation of his client’s free-speech rights and predicted that it will be entirely dismissed.

WOOD also has a story.

Related coverage: “New salvos fired in jury nullification battle include felony case over pamphlet handout”