Criminal Justice

Lawyer's marijuana-sting arrest put him on the right path, he says

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Arrested after allegedly agreeing to accept marijuana in exchange for legal services from a purported client, Louisiana criminal defense attorney James Mecca might be expected to be angry or upset about the experience.

But instead he is grateful that the arrest put him on a path to a better life, he tells the Louisiana Record. An earlier Louisiana Record story provides more details.

“I’m so happy that they did their job and helped me get out of the life I was in,” Mecca said of those involved in the St. Tammany Parish sheriff’s office sting operation that routed him into the criminal justice system. “I couldn’t hold them in resentment. I just couldn’t. I don’t today. I’m so glad God put these people in my life to get me where I needed to be.”

An alcohol problem throughout much of his adult life increased after the death of his father, Mecca said. So, when he started worrying about the effect his drinking was having on his liver, he shifted to marijuana. The sheriff’s office focused on him because of a tip from an informant.

After his December 2013 arrest, Mecca turned his life around. His criminal case was reduced to a misdemeanor, and he was sentenced to a six-month jail term, which was suspended. Citing his remorse and efforts to deal with his addiction issues, disciplinary authorities allowed him to keep his law license, so long as he continues with rehabilitation activities.

Now he involved in Alcoholics Anonymous and hopes his experience will help others.

“As far as my future goes, I plan to practice law,” Mecca told the Record. “I plan to try to help other alcoholics and addicts as best as I can because God has given me this opportunity and he works in mysterious ways. It took law enforcement to get me here. And now that I’m here, I can’t state enough how wonderful this normal life is without all those mind-altering substances polluting the brain.”

Related coverage:

Times-Picayune: “St. Tammany authorities say Covington attorney received drugs for payment of legal services”

Above the Law: “Lawyer Gets Paid In Weed, Keeps His Law License”

Law 360 (sub. req.): “Atty Who Was Paid In Weed Can Keep Practicing, Panel Says”

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