Legal Marketing

Lawyer's local Super Bowl ad is described as 'completely nuts' and a masterpiece

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Advertising Week’s Adfreak blog is giving an A to Georgia personal-injury lawyer Jamie Casino for his local Super Bowl ad, dubbing it “completely nuts and completely entertaining.’

The “insane ad” explaining Casino’s transformation from a criminal-defense to personal-injury lawyer is a “two-minute heavy-metal masterpiece,” Adfreak says. The Wall Street Journal Law Blog says the commercial, shown on Georgia TV stations, “looks like a trailer for a long-forgotten, straight-to-video Steven Seagal movie.”

In the ad, Casino says he represented criminal defendants until his brother was shot and killed along with the brother’s girlfriend in 2012. “At some point a man must ask why God created him,” Casino says. Heavy metal music begins to play as Casino lays flowers on a grave. He crushes a flower with his foot, picks up a flaming sledgehammer, smashes the tombstone and walks off amid flames.

“I’m attorney Jamie Casino, and I don’t represent villains anymore,” he says. “I speak for innocent victims who cannot speak for themselves.”

WBTV identifies Casino’s brother as Michael Biancasino; a prior story by the Savannah Morning News has a different spelling (Biancosino) and says the brother was an aspiring lawyer who worked as Casino’s law firm. A suspect was recently indicted for the murders, WSAV reported last month. Casino later told the New York Daily News that he wanted to honor his brother’s memory with the ad.

Above the Law, Deadspin and the Huffington Post also have stories about the ad.

Last updated Feb. 6 to include link to subsequent coverage.

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