
Lohan Case Fizzles, But Bill Murray Comes to Fore

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Despite dire predictions of a possible jail sentence after Lindsay Lohan was arrested for allegedly drinking and driving on a suspended license last month, the 21-year-old actress reportedly may not even face any felony charges.

A decision hasn’t yet been announced, but Lohan—who reportedly may have been found with cocaine, too—is not likely to face any felony charges at her Friday arraignment, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Details of her case were discussed in an earlier ABAJournal.com post.

Celebrity-watchers hoping for at least a minor schadenfreude moment should not despair, however. Actor Bill Murray, 56, known for his role in the Caddyshack movies, reportedly has been pulled over in Stockholm, Sweden for possible drunken driving—in a golf cart. He initially claimed that U.S. law protected him from having to take a breath test, but later agreed to cooperate and admitted his guilt, reports the Associated Press.

Murray will only be charged, however, if his breath test exceeds Sweden’s strict legal limit—as little as two glasses of wine reportedly could violate it. Even if he exceeded the limit, a fine rather than jail time would be likely, since he did not appear to be heavily intoxicated, according to Swedish authorities.