Health Law

Mom Disappears with Son After Court Orders Chemo for the Boy

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A judge who ordered a 13-year-old teen to receive chemotherapy has now issued an arrest warrant for the mother after she and the boy disappeared.

Colleen Hauser had resisted treatment for her son, Daniel, because she is a member of Nemenhah, a religious group that favors natural healing methods used by some American Indians, the Associated Press reports.

Daniel has Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer considered highly treatable with chemotherapy and radiation. Judge John Rodenberg of Brown County held Hauser in contempt of court and issued the arrest warrant yesterday when she failed to show up for a court hearing with her son, the Pioneer Press reports.

A cout-ordered doctor’s appointment on Monday showed Daniel’s tumor had grown. The boy’s father, Anthony, told the judge he last saw his wife Monday evening when she told him she was going to leave for a time and “that’s all you need to know.”