U.S. Supreme Court

Nearly Half of Poll Respondents Are Clueless on Supreme Court's Ruling on Health Care Law

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News of the U.S. Supreme Court decision (PDF) upholding the health care law’s insurance mandate hasn’t reached nearly half of the public.

Only 55 percent of the public is aware that the court upheld most of the law, according to a poll by the Pew Research Center. The Washington Post blog The Fix has the numbers on those left in the dark: Thirty percent said they didn’t know how the court had ruled and 15 percent thought the court had struck down most of the law.

Of those who were aware that the court upheld most of the law, 50 percent approved of the decision and 42 percent disapproved. The approval rating changed for the broader group: Thirty-six percent approved of the ruling, 40 percent disapproved and 24 percent had no opinion.

Related article:

ABAJournal.com: “Solicitor General’s Third Backup Argument Is a Winner in Health Law Case”

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