Education Law

New Win for Dismissed Dental Student: $321K Legal Fee Caps $1.7M Award

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In another federal court victory for an unfairly dismissed University of Michigan dental student, Alissa Zwick has been awarded not quite $321,000 in attorney fees and costs.

The university argued that the attorney fee sought was excessive, but U.S. District Judge Marianne Battani awarded all but $2,300 of the amount requested, reports the Ann Arbor News reports today.

However, Battani declined in the same Feb. 26 ruling to issue a subpoena sought by Zwick’s counsel for the university’s legal bills. The unidentified law firm had argued that the university’s legal expenses in the case would be relevant in determining whether its own charges were excessive, as claimed.

Zwick earlier won a $1.72 million judgment, when a federal court jury found that the university had violated the B-average dental student’s due process rights by dismissing her over claimed clinical performance deficiencies as she was not far from completing the graduate program, the newspaper recounts.

Previous coverage: “Dismissed Dental Student Wins $1.72M Verdict Against Professors “

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