Criminal Justice

Slap on Wrist for Alleged Santa Assailant

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A Connecticut woman who is accused of having inappropriately touched an elderly Santa Claus while sitting on his lap in a local shopping mall is likely to get off lightly for the alleged offense.

Sandrama Lamy, 33, has applied for a special program of accelerated rehabilitation available to first offenders, reports the News-Times, a local newspaper. If she is nice instead of naughty from this point forward and completes a term of unsupervised probation, assuming she is accepted for the rehabilitation program, the Dec. 15 incident at the Danbury Fair mall will be expunged from her record.

She is charged with fourth-degree sexual assault and breach of the peace. As discussed in an earlier post, the suspect was on crutches at the time of the December incident. Lamy was in a wheelchair when she was in court this week, the News-Times reports.