Question of the Week

Would You Hire Someone Who Is Unemployed? Have You Ever Landed a Job Despite Being Unemployed?

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This week, we noted a jobs bill supported by President Barack Obama that would allow unemployed people to collect damages for discrimination when would-be employers refuse to hire them because they are jobless. The bill would also bar ads that seek only candidates who already have jobs.

This week, we’d like to ask you: Would you hire someone who is unemployed? Why or why not? And have you ever landed a job you wanted despite being unemployed? (Clearly, some of you have, based on these answers.) We’re not talking about that first job out of school, of course, but about getting a job after having been laid off, or after having left the workforce for a few years to care for children or cope with a health crisis.

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Does Your Firm Offer Sabbaticals? Have You Ever Taken One or Thought About Doing So?

Featured answer:

Posted by Sabbatic Al: “I’m at a midsize firm in the southern part of the U.S. Sabbaticals are in our policy manuals, but I don’t think anyone has ever taken one or, for that matter, been brave (dumb?) enough to ask the MP for one. I just don’t think that would go over real well.”

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