Mass. to Allow Out-of-State Same-Sex Couples to Marry
Setting the stage for Massachusetts to become the second state in the country to allow out-of-state couples of the same gender to marry, the state’s house of representatives voted today 118 to 35 to repeal a 1913 law. It banned couples from marrying in Massachusetts if the wedding would not be legal in their home state.
The state senate agreed earlier to repeal the law, so the repeal will become effective 90 days after it is signed by the Massachusetts governor, reports the Boston Globe.
“A flood of couples is expected from New York, where Governor David Paterson has instructed state agencies to recognize and grant benefits to gay couples who marry elsewhere, even though New York does not authorize same-sex marriages,” the newspaper writes.
At present, California is the only state that will marry out-of-state same-sex couples.
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