
Obama doesn't make it onto a jury but is a big hit at the courthouse

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Former President Barack Obama was dismissed from jury duty on Wednesday when he was selected for a jury panel that wasn’t needed for a trial.

While lawyers at Chicago’s Daley Center evidently didn’t need his service, he was a big hit with jurors and others at the courthouse, report the Chicago Tribune, CBS Local and NBC Chicago. Several people took photos or videos and posted them on Twitter. Civil cases are heard at the Daley Center.

Obama traveled to the courthouse by motorcade and shook hands with hundreds of people after his arrival. “Obama worked the jury room,” CBS Local reports, “greeting and thanking other citizens for their jury service.” He signed autographs and copies of his book, but did not allow selfies.

Potential juror Walter Palmer said he felt like he got a golden ticket when he was summoned for jury service on the same day as Obama. The former president’s appearance shows that jury service is “an important duty for all of us,” Palmer told CBS Local. “So if he’s going to show up, I guess we all have to show up for this.”

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