ABA Midyear Meeting

Sessions should reverse policy denying Title VII protection for transgender people, votes ABA House

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions/Shutterstock.com.

Employment discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation should be prohibited under a proper interpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to a resolution passed overwhelmingly by the ABA House of Delegates on Monday at the ABA Midyear Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.

It also urges Attorney General Jeff Sessions to withdraw an interpretation announced in October that Title VII “does not protect transgender citizens against workplace discrimination.”

“I don’t understand the enthusiasm with which our current justice department seeks to discriminate,” said Walter H. White Jr., of Washington, D.C., speaking in favor of Resolution 116A

The resolution was sponsored by the Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice and the Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

Link to Resolution 116A updated Feb. 7.

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