ABA Journal

Your Voice

Legally bombed: Young millennial lawyers, same old alcoholism

“To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.”

That quote comes from Homer Simpson, a character who is not licensed to practice law in any of the several states that contain a city named Springfield. However, another classic Simpsons character with a drinking problem is Lionel Hutz, one of television’s most famous fictional lawyers.

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Let's trash 'data dump' litigation ploys

The natural progress of technology in our time reflects that technological change in a competitive market lowers cost. Readers of a certain age can recall going to a Radio Shack to buy a Texas Instruments calculator for $50. Now our phones come with a calculator that exceeds the capability of the one we would have bought at Radio Shack.

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I am a woman who left the law

I graduated with honors and landed an associate position at a respected, multistate law firm. I practiced for several years, then quit. I am one of the many female attorneys who show promise but never achieve “success,” leaving many asking “Why?”

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IBM, GE, Facebook, Google and the law—lessons learned, or lessons forgotten?

How can newly powerful, global tech companies fulfill their legal responsibilities to customers, employees, shareholders and the different societies in which they operate? And how can lawyers help? Three developments this summer—as well as generations-old choices at IBM—highlight these questions: • On June 19, General Electric was removed from the…

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What principle links great baseball and great lawyering? Stoicism

In July while watching my local New York Mets get massacred 25-4 by the mediocre Washington Nationals, the nadir was to see shortstop Jose Reyes play pitcher and give up 10 RBIs over 48 pitches. While the team was losing badly anyway, it was humiliating to watch Reyes fail in this way.

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May I finish? The case against interrupting

Recently, a colleague called to ask me for my “feedback and insight” on a case. He then proceeded to interrupt me every time I opened my mouth. Eventually, he finished and, apparently satisfied with his own “feedback and insight,” he ended the phone call and thanked me for my help.

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Harvard's racial diversity is worth investing in--and defending

As sometimes the only African-American student in my otherwise all-white classrooms at Harvard College, chatting in the dining hall surrounded by peers and friends, I have learned this: For a diverse learning environment to occur, racial diversity and not racial homogeneity is key. My classmates come from the varying socio-economic…

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Fear you are talking too much to a jury? Then WAIT

When addressing a jury, lawyers can often be suckered into getting carried away with the sound of their own voices. Talking for the sake of talking. Continuing to be the center of attention because you're under the impression the jury cares what you have to say or will be more likely to find in your client's favor the longer you talk to them.

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Exploring the contours of context in using the N-word in class

Last March, ABAJournal.com posted an article about DePaul University law professor Donald Hermann and a controversy that arose from his use of the N-word in a law school class. The following essay looks at the use of inflammatory words in an academic setting.

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SpongeBob and the 'oh, please!' standard of trademark foolishness

The moments are rare, but they exist—moments when a plaintiff’s screams for justice are (almost) drowned out by the cries of laughter from a courthouse. Today, we bring you an interesting new case of epic proportions: the trademark dispute of SpongeBob SquarePants.

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