U.S. Supreme Court
You won't see these words in Kennedy's DOMA decision
June 27
- • Scalia predicts the future, once again, in gay-marriage dissent
- • Gays who want to marry in California may have to wait for 25 days or more
- • You won’t see these words in Kennedy’s DOMA decision
June 26
- • SCOTUS standing ruling has effect of allowing gay marriage in California
- • SCOTUS strikes down DOMA, which banned federal benefits to married gay couples
Chemerinsky on SCOTUS gay-marriage cases
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy didn’t use the word “gay” in his majority opinion on Wednesday striking down the Defense of Marriage Act, a law that denied federal benefits to same-sex married couples.
Nor did he use the plural “gays,” the Wall Street Journal Law Blog (sub. req.) reports. Also absent: the words “lesbian” and “love.” The blog gives a hat tip to the control-F command on its keyboard.
The blog also notes some unusual words in a dissent by Justice Antonin Scalia, including “argle-bargle”—meaning a vigorous discussion or dispute.