ABA Journal

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Results for: "lawyer wellness"


How can lawyers find flow?

Cover Story

Law school debt is delaying plans for recent grads

The Modern Law Library

Lawyer recounts the life and legacy of the mysterious man behind Pilates

Your Voice

8 tips for lawyers on how to build resilience

Your Voice

Is the law making you fat?  A lawyer and life coach shares her story

Your Voice

The psychological obstacles to achieving diversity in the legal profession

On Well-Being

3 strategies to reframe your negative mindset

Your Voice

6 strategies to get a perfectionistic lawyer off the ledge


Lawyer who allegedly lied about health for deadline extensions should be suspended, hearing board says


Surveyed midlevel associates discuss snacks, decor, boring work and burnout

Disability Law

State bar takes ‘medieval approach to mental health,’ says Trump-appointed judge


These law firms ranked highest for midlevel associate satisfaction; transparency ratings increase


Commission learns of ‘heartbreaking’ diagnosis after investigating reports of judge’s erratic behavior

Law in Popular Culture

Netflix’s new Jeffrey Epstein docuseries explores conspiracy theories and crime cover-ups

Your Voice

10 steps to identify irrational resistance to self-care


4 lessons we can learn as a profession from the pandemic

Asked and Answered

COVID-19 hasn’t stopped this lawyer from advocating for wellness and recovery

Your Voice

Lawyers, addiction and COVID-19: ‘Changing the landscape for everyone’

On Well-Being

New implicit-bias tool offers insight and answers


Lawyer is thankful for second chances after suspension for erratic behavior, client neglect

Your Voice

What can law firm leaders learn from a pandemic?

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Federal courts have reopening plan; billable hours cited in mental health survey

Your Voice

How lawyers can manage stress and cortisol levels during the COVID-19 crisis

Your Voice

Law practice anxiety: How to dance with the demons

On Well-Being

How to advance mindfulness in the workplace

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